Whoever makes any gesture, or any preparation intending or knowing it to be likely
that such gesture or preparation will cause any person present to apprehend that he who makes that
gesture or preparation is about to use criminal force to that person, is said to commit an assault.Explanation.—Mere words do not amount to an assault. But the words which a person uses may give
to his gestures or preparation such a meaning as may make those gestures or preparations amount to an
assault.Illustrations.(a) A shakes his fist at Z, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may thereby cause Z to believe
that A is about to strike Z. A has committed an assault.(b) A begins to unloose the muzzle of a ferocious dog, intending or knowing it to be likely that he may
thereby cause Z to believe that he is about to cause the dog to attack Z. A has committed an assault upon
Z.(c) A takes up a stick, saying to Z, “I will give you a beating”. Here, though the words used by A
could in no case amount to an assault, and though the mere gesture, unaccompanied by any other
circumstances, might not amount to an assault, the gesture explained by the words may amount to an