Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s petition contesting his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is slated for hearing in the Supreme Court on Monday, April 15. Kejriwal’s Special Leave Petition (SLP) challenges the Delhi High Court’s dismissal of his plea on April 10, where the High Court noted sufficient evidence presented by the ED, including statements from approvers and AAP candidates alleging Kejriwal’s involvement in financial improprieties during the Goa elections.
Kejriwal disputes the High Court’s decision and has approached the Supreme Court for relief. The case is assigned to a bench comprising Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta.
Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma, while delivering the High Court verdict, highlighted allegations that Kejriwal conspired to manipulate excise policy and personally demanded kickbacks, implicating him under Section 70 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
Following his arrest on March 21, Kejriwal moved swiftly to the Supreme Court seeking interim protection. Albeit withdrawed the petition the next day to accommodate ED’s application for remand. Despite resistance, he was remanded to ED custody for 10 days initially. This was followed by judicial custody until April 15.
ED alleges Kejriwal’s involvement in the Delhi Liquor Policy scam, portraying him as a central figure orchestrating money laundering activities. Manish Sisodia and Sanjay Singh, both AAP leaders, face similar charges. While Sisodia remains incarcerated, Singh secured bail from the Supreme Court recently.
In a parallel development, three public interest litigations were filed before the Delhi High Court. Thus, advocating for Kejriwal’s removal from his position as Delhi Chief Minister.
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