The Gujarat High Court upholds the cancellation of an MBBS admission despite the student’s eligibility for the general category. The case involved the son of a Panipuri seller from Uttar Pradesh. His admission was rescinded over a caste certificate dispute, even though he could have secured admission without caste-based reservation.
The division bench’s decision was led by Chief Justice Sunita Agarwal and Justice Aniruddha P Mayee. They affirmed the cancellation of Alpeshkumar Ramsinh Rathod’s medical admission. Rathod’s admission was revoked due to discrepancies in his SEBC caste certificate. Hence, rendering him ineligible for the reserved category seat in Gujarat.
Despite the single-judge’s earlier restoration of Rathod’s admission, the division bench maintained that once a candidate claims reservation benefits, they must adhere to the corresponding criteria. The court emphasized that Rathod’s admission was obtained based on an invalid certificate, warranting its cancellation.
The court dismissed arguments about the seat remaining vacant and rejected appeals to consider Rathod’s meritorious performance. It also questioned the exercise of extraordinary jurisdiction by the single-judge, highlighting the need to prevent illegality by favoring ineligible candidates.
The division bench’s decision underscores the importance of adhering to eligibility criteria and upholding the integrity of reservation systems. Despite sympathy for Rathod’s circumstances, the court prioritized legal compliance and fairness in admissions.
Advocate Himanshi R Balodi represented Rathod, while Additional Advocate General Manisha Lavkumar appeared for the Admission Committee.
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References: Gujarat High Court documents, legal proceedings