Section 200 IPC: Using False Declaration Knowing It to be False


Section 200 IPC: Using False Declaration Knowing It to be False

1. State the Code

Section 200 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) states:

Whoever, being legally bound to make a declaration, makes a declaration which is false and which he knows or believes to be false, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.

2. Explanation

This section deals with the act of making a false declaration when a person is legally bound to do so. This means that the declaration is required by law or by some legal authority. The individual must know or believe that the declaration is false at the time of making it.

3. Illustration

Imagine a witness in a court case is legally obligated to provide truthful testimony. If this witness deliberately lies about the events they witnessed, knowing their statement is false, they would be committing an offense under Section 200 IPC.

4. Common Questions and Answers

Q: What are some examples of legal declarations?

A: Legal declarations can include:

    • Statements made in court proceedings
    • Affidavits
    • Tax returns
    • Government forms

Q: Does the declaration need to be in writing to be covered by Section 200 IPC?

A: No, a declaration can be oral or written. It only needs to be legally bound and false.

Q: What is the difference between Section 200 IPC and perjury?

A: Perjury is a more serious offense, requiring a false statement made under oath in a judicial proceeding. Section 200 IPC covers a broader range of declarations that are not necessarily made under oath.

Also Read  Section 197 IPC: Issuing or Signing False Certificate

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