IPC Section 204: Destruction of Document to Prevent Evidence


IPC Section 204: Destruction of Document to Prevent Evidence

1. Code

Section 204. Whoever, with intent to prevent or obstruct the production of any document or electronic record which may be used as evidence in any proceeding, destroys, mutilates, secretes, or removes such document or electronic record, or attempts so to do, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.

2. Explanation

This section of the Indian Penal Code deals with the act of intentionally destroying, mutilating, hiding, or removing any document or electronic record that could potentially be used as evidence in a legal proceeding. The intent behind this act is to obstruct or prevent the production of such evidence.

3. Illustration

Imagine a person is involved in a financial fraud case. To prevent their incriminating financial records from being used as evidence, they intentionally delete their online banking transactions and destroy hard copies of their financial statements. This action would fall under Section 204 of the IPC.

4. Common Questions and Answers

What is the purpose of this section?

Section 204 aims to ensure the integrity of evidence in legal proceedings by penalizing individuals who attempt to manipulate or destroy documents that could be crucial for establishing the truth.

Does this apply only to physical documents?

No, the law recognizes the importance of electronic records as evidence. Therefore, destroying, altering, or hiding electronic records also falls under the purview of Section 204.

What are the potential punishments for violating this section?

Also Read  IPC Section 192: Fabricating False Evidence - Indian Penal Code

The punishment for violating Section 204 can be imprisonment for up to two years, a fine, or both.


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