Registering a trademark or copyright in India involves the following procedures:
Trademark Registration:
- Search for a unique trademark: It is important to conduct a search for a unique trademark before filing a trademark registration application. This can be done on the official website of the Trademark Registry of India. The search will reveal if there are any identical or similar trademarks already registered or pending registration. It is advisable to seek professional help from a lawyer or a trademark agent to conduct a comprehensive search.
- File an application: After conducting a search, you can file a trademark registration application with the Trademark Registry of India either online or offline. The application should include the following details:
- Name and address of the applicant
- Description of the goods or services for which the trademark is sought
- Image or representation of the trademark
- Details of any claim for priority, if applicable
The application fee can be paid online or through a demand draft.
- Examination of the application: After filing the application, the Trademark Registry will examine it for any conflicts with existing trademarks or other legal requirements. If the application is found to be deficient, the Registry will issue an examination report and give the applicant an opportunity to respond.
- Publication of the application: If the application is found to be in order, it will be published in the Trademark Journal for public objections. The application will be open for objections for a period of four months from the date of publication.
- Issuance of certificate: If no objections are raised within the stipulated time period, or if the objections are successfully resolved, the Trademark Registry will issue a certificate of registration. The trademark will be valid for a period of 10 years from the date of registration and can be renewed thereafter.
Copyright Registration:
- Create a work: Copyright can be registered for original works such as literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works, sound recordings, and cinematographic films. The work must be original and must not have been copied from another work.
- File an application: After creating the work, you can file a copyright registration application with the Copyright Office either online or offline. The application should include the following details:
- Name and address of the author and owner of the copyright
- Title of the work
- Description of the work
- Date of creation of the work
- Sample of the work, if applicable
- The application fee can be paid online or through a demand draft.
- Examination of the application. After filing the application, the Copyright Office will examine it. This is for any conflicts with existing works or other legal requirements. If the application is found to be deficient, the Office will issue an examination report. They will give the applicant an opportunity to respond.
- Issuance of certificate. If the application is found to be in order, the Copyright Office will issue a certificate of registration. The copyright will be valid for a period of the lifetime of the author. Plus, 60 years from the year following the author’s death.
It is important to note that trademark and copyright registrations are important for protecting your intellectual property rights. These registrations can help prevent others from using your trademark or copyright without your permission. They can also help you take legal action in case of infringement. It is advisable to seek professional help from a lawyer or a trademark/copyright agent. This is to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.