How To Get A Copy Of A Land Record (Jamabandi)


The Jamabandi, or land record of rights, is a crucial document that details ownership, rights, and legal interests related to land. Since revenue authorities maintain this record, it is regularly updated to ensure accuracy. If you need a copy of the Jamabandi, here’s everything you should know.

What is a Jamabandi?

A Jamabandi is an official land document that records details of land ownership, legal rights, and transfers. It is essential for various legal purposes, such as property transactions or resolving disputes. Therefore, it helps establish ownership clearly, making it a critical document.

Steps to Obtain a Copy of the Jamabandi

  1. Preparation by Patwari
    The Patwari, the village revenue official, prepares the Jamabandi. First, they gather updated information about changes in ownership, land rights, and any land transfers (mutations) that have occurred since the last update.
  2. Attestation by Revenue Officer
    Once the Patwari completes the record, a Revenue Officer attests it. This step ensures the record’s accuracy and confirms that it reflects the current status of ownership.
  3. Regular Updates
    To keep land records current, revenue authorities revise the Jamabandi every five years. Thus, this regular updating allows timely incorporation of ownership changes or rights.
  4. Retention of Copies
    Two copies of the updated Jamabandi are prepared. One copy is stored in the District Record Room for safekeeping, while the other remains with the Patwari, ensuring public access.

Why Regular Updates Matter

Regular updates of the Jamabandi are important for maintaining accurate land records. These updates help legalize property transactions, establish rightful ownership, and avoid disputes. Moreover, accurate records also assist landowners in securing loans or other financial benefits tied to property ownership.

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How to Get Your Copy

To obtain a copy of your Jamabandi, you can visit the local Patwari or the District Record Room. Additionally, many states now offer online access, allowing you to conveniently download a copy from the revenue department’s website.


The Jamabandi plays a vital role in tracking land ownership and rights. Since revenue authorities regularly update it, the document remains accurate. Whether you need it for legal, financial, or personal reasons, obtaining a copy through local offices or online portals is a simple process.


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