- Introduction: Intellectual Property Rights
- What Is Intellectual Property (IP)
- Understanding Intellectual Property Rights
- Objectives Of Intellectual Property Rights
- Benefits And Drawbacks
- All About Copyright
- How To Register For Copyright
- What Are Trademarks And Service Marks
- How To Register For Trademark
- What Are Industrial Designs
- Geographical Indication
- Patent
- What Are Trade Secrets
- Protection Of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs In India
- A Focus On Plant Varieties And Biological Diversity
- Conclusion
Introduction: Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) encompass the rights linked with intangible assets owned by individuals or companies, safeguarding them against unauthorised use. They pertain to the ownership rights of intellectual property, aiming to safeguard creations of human intellect such as trademarks, patents, and copyrighted works, ensuring that their creators benefit from these creations. Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) acknowledges intellectual property rights, affirming that everyone has the right to protection for the moral and material interests arising from their scientific, literary, or artistic productions as the author.
Hence, IPRs serve the goal of recognizing and rewarding human ingenuity by granting creators exclusive rights to their inventions, artistic endeavours, musical compositions, and more.
This article delves into the definitions of intellectual property and intellectual property rights and delves into the specific laws pertaining to IPR in India, among other topics.
What Is Intellectual Property (IP)
Intellectual property (IP) represents intangible assets originating from human creativity. It encompasses a wide range of creations such as inventions, designs, literary and artistic works, as well as symbols and images used in commerce.
According to the “Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, intellectual property comprises rights associated with:
- Literary, artistic, and scientific works
- Performances by artists, phonograms, and broadcasts
- Inventions across various domains
- Scientific discoveries
- Industrial designs
- Trademarks, service marks, commercial names, and designations
- Protection against unfair competition
- All other rights arising from intellectual activities in industrial, scientific, literary, or artistic realms.
Additional categories of intellectual property include geographical indications, rights concerning know-how or undisclosed information, and layout designs of integrated circuits.
Understanding Intellectual Property Rights
The term Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) denotes the collection of legal rights granted to the originator or owner of intellectual property. These rights represent the control a person has over their mental creations. This framework ensures that creators and innovators can reap the rewards of their intellectual endeavours. IP rights serve as the legal framework dictating the utilisation of intellectual property.
Objectives Of Intellectual Property Rights
The objectives of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are manifold:
- Encouraging innovations and creations that contribute to the social, economic, scientific, and cultural progress of society by motivating creators and enabling them to derive economic benefits from their work.
- Providing legal safeguards for intellectual creations.
- Preventing unauthorised parties from benefiting from someone else’s creative work.
- Facilitating fair trade practices.
- Fostering creativity and its widespread dissemination.
- Acknowledging and appreciating the efforts of creators.
- Safeguarding creators’ proprietary rights against unauthorised use.
- Promoting investment of skills, time, finances, and other resources into innovation endeavours for societal benefit.
Benefits And Drawbacks
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) offer numerous advantages:
- IPR protection provides your business with a competitive edge over similar enterprises.
- IPR protection enables you to prevent unauthorised utilisation of your intellectual assets and creations.
- IPR amplifies your company’s worth and opens doors for collaborations and income generation opportunities, such as through licensing agreements for exploiting or working on inventions.
- IPR aids in attracting clients and building your brand’s value. For instance, consumers begin associating your products with a distinctive logo or registered trademark.
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) additionally comes with certain challenges:
- Obtaining IPR protection necessitates additional expenses, including legal fees and other charges.
- Even with intellectual property rights in place, combating unauthorised copying and use of your work can be challenging. Additionally, efforts to enforce IP rights may sometimes lead to a reduction in your consumer base.
- IP rights are not absolute; they come with limitations and conditions imposed by law, such as a limited period of protection and compulsory licensing provisions, designed to safeguard the interests of the general public.
All About Copyright
Copyright, also known as a “literary right” or “author’s right,” pertains to the legal rights of creators and authors of literary and artistic works. It grants authors exclusive rights to their creations, preventing unauthorised copying and publishing. This protection begins as soon as a work is created and expressed in a tangible form, but it’s crucial to note that copyright protects expressions rather than mere ideas without tangible form.
The scope of copyright covers two main rights of the author. First are the economic rights, allowing the owner to derive financial benefits from others’ use of their works. These rights include authorising or prohibiting reproduction in various forms and unauthorised translations. Second are moral rights, focusing on the non-economic interests of the author. These rights encompass the ability to oppose alterations to the work and the right to claim authorship.
The Copyright Act of 1957
It serves as a comprehensive legal framework governing copyrights in India. This legislation covers various facets of the copyright regime, including the registration of copyrights, the duration of copyright protection, the assignment and licensing of copyrights, special rights concerning broadcasting organisations and performers, infringement issues, remedies for infringement, the establishment of copyright authorities and societies, and international copyright matters.
Under the Copyright Act, different categories of works are granted varying durations of copyright protection. Literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works enjoy protection for the life of the author plus an additional 60 years after the author’s death. Anonymous and pseudonymous works are protected for 60 years from the date of publication, with an extension to the life of the author plus 60 years if the author’s identity is revealed within that initial 60-year period. Posthumous works are also protected for 60 years from publication, while cinematograph films, sound recordings, government works, works of public undertakings, and works of international organisations are all granted a 60-year duration of protection from the date of publication.
Section 51 of the Copyright Act of 1957
It outlines the criteria for copyright infringement. It occurs when an individual performs actions that are exclusively reserved for the copyright owner or allows, for profit, the use of a venue for publicly communicating copyrighted works, constituting an infringement without the necessary licence or in breach of licensing terms. Additionally, infringement is recognized when someone commercially produces, sells, rents, displays, distributes, exhibits, or imports infringing copies of a work, to the extent that it harms the copyright owner’s interests.
Contrary to infringement, Section 52 of the Copyright Act delineates activities that do not constitute copyright infringement. These include fair dealing with a work for personal or private use, research purposes, reproducing works for judicial proceedings, or educational replication by teachers or students during instruction. It’s important to highlight that the Copyright Act offers both civil and criminal remedies for dealing with copyright infringement cases, providing legal recourse to protect creators’ intellectual property rights.
How To Register For Copyright
The Register of Copyrights, overseen by the Registrar of Copyrights, is responsible for maintaining a record known as the Register of Copyrights. This register includes entries of work names or titles along with the names and contact details of authors, publishers, and copyright owners. This process of recording copyright owners’ information in the register is termed as copyright registration.
The procedure for copyright registration in India is outlined in Section 45 of the Copyright Act, 1957, in conjunction with Chapter XIII of the Copyright Rules, 2013.
Filing an Application: The process of registering copyright involves submitting an application (Form-XIV of Copyright Rules) to the Registrar of Copyrights. The applicant, whether the author, publisher, owner, or other interested party, must include the prescribed fee along with the application to enter work details in the Register of Copyrights. Each application is specific to one work and can be signed by the applicant, who could be the owner or author. If the applicant is the owner of the copyright, a no-objection certificate from the author must be submitted with the application.
Application for Unpublished Work:
For registering an unpublished work, two copies of the work can accompany the application.
For Artistic Work Related to Goods or Services: If the application pertains to an artistic work used or usable in connection with goods or services, it must include a statement and a Certificate from the Registrar of Trademarks verifying the absence of identical or deceptively similar trademarks registered under the Trademarks Act, 1999.
Artistic Work as a Design: In cases where an artistic work can be registered as a design, an affidavit is required confirming that it’s not registered under the Designs Act, 2000, and hasn’t been industrially reproduced more than 50 times.
Mode of Application:
Applications for copyright registration can be submitted through three modes and they are visiting the Copyright Office in person, sending the application by post, or using the online filing facility i.e
Notice of Application: The individual applying for copyright registration must provide notice of the application to anyone claiming an interest in or disputing the rights to the copyright subject matter.
Entering Details in Register of Copyrights: A period of thirty days is allotted for filing objections. If no objections are received by the Registrar within this timeframe, and if the application’s particulars are deemed correct, the Registrar of Copyrights will enter these details in the Register of Copyrights.
Completion of Registration:
The registration process concludes when the Registrar of Copyrights or Deputy Registrar of Copyrights signs and issues a copy of the entries made in the register of copyrights. Additionally, every entry made by the Registrar of Copyrights must be published in the prescribed manner.
While copyright registration is not mandatory, it brings several advantages to the author or copyright owner, as outlined in Section 48 of the Copyright Act. According to this section, the register of copyright serves as prima facie evidence of the details entered therein and is admissible in all courts. Thus, registration establishes a presumption that the registered individual is the author or owner of the work, simplifying legal proceedings.
The benefits of copyright registration include protection against unauthorised use of the work, facilitating claims of ownership and royalties when the work is used or adapted, specifying the publication date, and strengthening one’s position in case of copyright infringement disputes.
What Are Trademarks And Service Marks
A trademark is a symbol, whether it’s a letter, logo, design, or three-dimensional feature, used to differentiate the products of one company from others. Defined by Section 2(zb) of the Trademarks Act, 1999, a trademark must be capable of graphical representation and serve to distinguish one person’s goods or services from those of others, including shapes, packaging, and colour combinations. Distinctiveness is key for trademarks, which can also be termed as service marks when used in sectors like tourism or banking. The owner of a registered trademark holds exclusive rights to its use, and trademarks are categorised into 45 classes covering products (34 classes) and services (11 classes).
A trademark serves multiple functions. It acts as a symbol identifying a product’s source, reflects the goodwill of a business, assures consumers of product quality, serves as an advertisement, provides legal protection for your brand when registered, and helps build a loyal consumer base by preventing brand imitation.
The Trademarks Act of 1999
It was established to enhance the registration and protection of trademarks for goods and services while also combating fraudulent mark usage. This legislation encompasses provisions regarding trademark registration, its effects, rights of trademark holders, special provisions for international registration under the Madrid Protocol, usage by registered users, collective marks, certification of trademarks, assignment and transmission of trademarks, infringement actions, passing off actions, and associated legal remedies. Trademarks are initially registered for 10 years but can be renewed periodically, allowing for indefinite use.
For infringement of a registered trademark to occur, several conditions must be met. Firstly, the person using the trademark must not be authorised to do so. Secondly, the infringing trademark must bear similarity, identity, or deceptive similarity to the already registered trademark. Thirdly, this infringing trademark must be used in the regular course of trade in which the registered owner or user is involved. Additionally, the infringing trademark must be visibly represented, typically in advertisements, invoices, or bills, as mere oral use does not constitute infringement. Lastly, infringement can involve using either the entire registered trademark or a modified version with additions or alterations.
Section 29 of the Trademarks Act outlines common forms of trademark infringement. For instance, using another’s registered trademark in advertising to promote one’s own trade is deemed infringement. Trademark owners have recourse to remedies such as filing a suit for infringement or pursuing criminal remedies against the infringing party.
How To Register For Trademark
To initiate the trademark registration process, an individual claiming to be the owner of a trademark, either in current use or proposed use, must submit an application to the Registrar along with the required fees. This application should be in writing and can cover multiple classes of goods and services. It needs to be filed at the Trade Marks Registry office within the jurisdiction of the applicant’s primary business location in India.
Refusal, Acceptance, and Advertisement: Upon receiving the application, the Registrar can either accept or reject it, possibly with amendments or modifications. If accepted, the application is advertised in the Trademark Journal to invite objections. The Registrar may also advertise the application before acceptance in certain cases. Additionally, if any errors are found after acceptance but before registration, the acceptance can be withdrawn.
Opposition and Registration:
Interested parties have four months from the advertisement date to file objections against the registration. If objections are raised, evidence is submitted, and a hearing is held before the Registrar decides on the registration’s approval. If the application is accepted and not opposed, or if opposed and resolved in the applicant’s favour. The Registrar must register the trademark within 18 months from the application filing date. The registration date is considered the application filing date. Upon registration, the Registrar issues a certificate in the prescribed format.</span>
Trademark registration offers numerous advantages to businesses. Firstly, it transforms the trademark into an intangible asset, increasing the overall value of the business. Secondly, registration enhances brand recognition and strengthens the business’s market position. Thirdly, a registered trademark serves as prima facie evidence of its validity, facilitating legal proceedings. Additionally, the registered trademark holder gains exclusive rights to use the mark and can seek remedies in case of infringement. The registration is valid for 10 years and can be renewed thereafter. Moreover, registered trademark owners can transfer their rights through licensing or assignment arrangements.
What Are Industrial Designs
An industrial design pertains to the visual or ornamental aspects of an article. Encompassing both three-dimensional features like shape and two-dimensional features such as patterns or colour schemes. It is purely aesthetic, non-functional, and aims to protect the creative originality of designs from being copied.
The owner of a registered industrial design holds the right to prevent others from producing, selling, or importing articles. Bearing or embodying a design that is a replica or substantially similar to the protected design. This protection extends to various products such as industrial and handicraft items. Household goods, lighting equipment, jewellery, electronic devices, textiles, and more.
In India, the Designs Act of 2000 plays a crucial role in promoting novel and original designs. It balances various interests. This legislation provides a time-bound monopoly right to use registered industrial designs to the owner. It covers aspects such as registration procedures, copyright in registered designs, participation in industrial and international exhibitions. Also, procedures for restoring lapsed designs, penalties for infringement, and related matters.
Geographical Indication
A geographical indication (GI) serves to identify goods originating from a specific geographical region. It highlights qualities, reputation, or characteristics uniquely linked to that area. Commonly associated with foodstuffs, agricultural products, wine, industrial goods, and handicrafts, examples of GIs include Basmati Rice and Darjeeling Tea.
Registering a geographical indication brings several advantages. It provides legal protection to domestic or national GIs, boosting exports by preventing unauthorised use of the registered GI. Additionally, it contributes to the economic prosperity of producers in the specified geographic area.
In India, the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act of 1999 plays a crucial role in registering and safeguarding geographical indications related to goods. The Act covers aspects such as establishing a Geographical Indications Registry, procedures for registration. Rights conferred by registration, registration of authorised users, renewal, rectification, restoration of GIs. It prohibits the registration of GIs as trademarks, among other provisions.
A patent is a special privilege awarded for an invention or innovative concept. It could encompass a product, method, or process that introduces a fresh approach or provides technical resolution to a problem. Essentially, it grants a monopoly right to the creator of:
- A novel and beneficial item,
- An enhancement to an existing item, or
- A new method of creating an item.
Patents are typically granted for inventions with industrial and commercial significance. This grant bestows the exclusive right to produce the new item or employ the invented process for a limited duration. Usually 20 years from the application filing date) in exchange for revealing the invention. Patent holders have the option to sell their patents or authorise others through licensing to utilise the invention.
What Are Trade Secrets
Trade secrets encompass confidential information with commercial value that can be sold or licensed. This is including designs, plans, business strategies, and R&D data. For information to qualify as a trade secret, it must be commercially useful. It should be known to a limited group, and actively safeguarded by its rightful owner.
Trade secrets can be categorised into technical information like manufacturing processes and computer program designs. Commercial information such as distribution methods and advertising strategies, and financial data like formulas, recipes, and source codes.
Protection Of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs In India</b>
<b>The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs Act of 2000 regulates the registration, use, and protection of layout designs used in products like televisions, radios, mobile devices, washing machines, and data processing instruments. These layout designs not only optimise space but also improve system capacity and performance. Enacted to comply with the TRIPS Agreement, specifically Section 6 of Part II. This Act governs the registration procedure, duration, effects, assignment, transmission, use, and penalties related to Semiconductor Integrated Circuits layout designs.
A Focus On Plant Varieties And Biological Diversity</b>
<b>The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001 is designed to offer legal safeguards to plant varieties, farmers’ rights, and plant breeders, while also fostering the development of new plant varieties. This legislation includes provisions for the establishment of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Authority. Registration procedures for plant varieties and essentially derived varieties, duration and effects of registration, rights granted through registration, farmers’ rights. Also, measures for compulsory licensing, infringement of rights under the Act, and remedies for such infringements.
>On the other hand, the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 focuses on the conservation of biological diversity, sustainable utilisation of its components, and ensuring fair and equitable sharing of benefits derived from biological resources and knowledge. It outlines regulations concerning access to biological diversity. The establishment and functions of the National Biodiversity Authority and State Biodiversity Boards. The formation of Biodiversity Management Committees, and the creation of Local Biodiversity Funds, among other aspects.
Intellectual Property (IP) holds significant importance in the realms of technological, scientific, and medical advancements. It plays a crucial role in providing a competitive edge to its owner. Registering IP enhances its value, serving as a proprietary right stemming from intellectual creations. These rights foster innovation, aiding innovators across various facets of business growth, competition, and expansion strategies.