(1) Whoever—.(a) makes, knowingly utters, deals in or sells any fictitious stamp, or knowingly uses for any
postal purpose any fictitious stamp; or.(b) has in his possession, without lawful excuse, any fictitious stamp; or.(c) makes or, without lawful excuse, has in his possession any die, plate, instrument or materials
for making any fictitious stamp,
shall be punished with fine which may extend to two hundred rupees..(2) Any such stamp, die, plate, instrument or materials in the possession of any person for making
any fictitious stamp may be seized and, if seized shall be forfeited..(3) In this section “fictitious stamp” means any stamp falsely purporting to be issued by Government
for the purpose of denoting a rate of postage, or any facsimile or imitation or representation, whether on
paper or otherwise, of any stamp issued by Government for that purpose.(4) In this section and also in sections 178 to 181 (both inclusive), and sections 183 to 185 (both
inclusive) the word “Government”, when used in connection with, or in reference to any stamp issued for
the purpose of denoting a rate of postage, shall, notwithstanding anything in clause (12) of section 2, be
deemed to include the person or persons authorised by law to administer executive Government in any
part of India or in any foreign country.