CrPC Section 19: Subordination of Metropolitan Magistrates – Code of Criminal Procedure


CrPC Section 19: Subordination of Metropolitan Magistrates

Code: Section 19 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC)

Explanation: This section deals with the subordination of Metropolitan Magistrates. It states that:

  • All Metropolitan Magistrates shall be subordinate to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) in their respective areas.
  • The CMM shall have the power to transfer cases from one Metropolitan Magistrate to another.
  • The CMM can also supervise the work of Metropolitan Magistrates and issue directions to them.

Illustration: Let’s say there are three Metropolitan Magistrates in Delhi. Each of them will be subordinate to the CMM of Delhi. The CMM can transfer a case from one Metropolitan Magistrate to another if he deems it necessary.

Common Questions and Answers:

  • Q: What is the role of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate?
  • A: The CMM is the head of the Metropolitan Magistracy in a particular area. They supervise the work of all Metropolitan Magistrates and have the power to transfer cases between them.
  • Q: Can a Metropolitan Magistrate refuse to obey the directions of the CMM?
  • A: No, a Metropolitan Magistrate is bound to obey the directions of the CMM, as they are subordinate to them.
  • Q: What is the purpose of this section?
  • A: This section ensures the efficient administration of justice by maintaining a hierarchical structure within the Metropolitan Magistracy. It also ensures that all Metropolitan Magistrates adhere to the same standards and procedures.
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